It was a beautiful autumn day enjoyed by all - our very first neighbourhood pumpkin patch brought to us by Shanta Maraj.

These are just some of the photos taken of all who participated in our first neighbourhood pumpkin patch.
Now that we've all got our pumpkins, I can't wait to see how they are all decorated for Halloween.
Halloween is Sunday, October 31st this year. Since Toronto is in stage 3 of re-opening, the science council has indicated that it will be alright to have Halloween trick-or-treating as long as we stay in small groups and out of doors. Since Halloween was cancelled last year, we have a lot of little ones that are eager to celebrate. Remember your masks, keep contact to a minimum and enjoy the happy children.
Put out your pumpkin to let your neighbours know if you want to participate giving out candies to the the mini-ghosts and goblins.