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Come one, come all ... It's time for our neighbourhood end of summer picnic

The signs have gone up. It's next Sunday, September 12, 12:00 to 4:00 pm. Drop in when you want to, bring a dish for the communal tasting table, have fun and meet your neighbours. It all happens in our little Greenbelt Park.

Through rain, snow, sunshine and really windy days, we have kept the neighbourhood picnic going.

It's been a long covid winter. For the first time in over 7 years, we were required to cancel this much loved event in our neighbourhood schedule last year. But now we've got the all clear, we can congregate outside. If you're still feeling uncomfortable and would like to maintain some distance, bring a family blanket and lunch and set up a space for yourself a little distanced from the others.

This is the time to get to know some of our new neighbours. If you know of someone that has just moved in, make sure they are aware that everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend. We have a bunch of new neighbours with children that would really enjoy getting to know the other kids in our 'hood. If you see someone standing a little apart, make sure you stick out a hand and say welcome.

What you need!

  1. A blanket or some lawn chairs to sit on.

  2. A dish that you will share with everyone.

  3. maybe a ball or something the kids can play with.

What to expect!

  1. We'll have name tags. Everyone can fill one out and then no one has to feel bad if they can't remember a name (guilty of this - big time).

  2. We'll set up some folding tables and align them with the park picnic table.

  3. There will be table clothes so that everyone can put their communal dish down.

  4. We'll set up smudge pots to keep the wasps at bay.

  5. We'll have great conversations, maybe a ball or two will be tossed around, and we'll make new friends.

  6. Furry pets have always been welcome, just make sure they are on a leash.



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