YEH!!!!! It's time for our second annual Flag Days

Starting June 24th through July 9th, bring out your flags and display them on their balconies.
It will be a collective. Everyone is encouraged to get a Canadian flag and a flag from their country of origin. For example, my family background is Irish, and Joe’s background is Italian, so we will have three flags displayed. On July 1st – Canada Day – just keep up the Canadian flag.
The idea is to celebrate just how multi-ethnic our neighbourhood is. Last year we proved that we cover the entire globe.
If you didn't participate last year, please join in - this is lots of fun. There are many sources for flags including amazon. There is also an importer down by the Queensway called Reppa Flags and Souvenirs. They have all the flags of the world and are opened Mon-Fri between 9:30 am and 1:30 pm. They are usually a mass distributor. You won’t be able to order through their website but they will take phone orders. Cash or credit card.
Reppa Flags and Souvenirs
83 Queen Elizabeth Blvd, Etobicoke.
The prices last year were:
12” x 18” flags are $5/each
2’ x 3’ flags are $10/each
3’ x 5’ flags are $20/each