The weather will get warmer... the snow will go... we need to start planning for fun.
These are just some of the things coming up for our little community.

1. Spring Clean Up - April 23
This is the Saturday after Earth Day - there is no better time to plan to get our neighbourhood ready for some fun in the sun.
Meet at 11:00 am in the park.
Come with gloves and bags to pick things up with.
Plan on about 2 hours. We've done this before. It just takes a little time to make sure the area of our community is ready for all to have fun in the sun.
2. Neighbourhood Garage Sale - May 28
Covid caused a bit of a gap, but this neighbourhood favourite is coming back again this year. If you've got full closets and would like to clear out a few things, plan on participating. Closer to the day we'll ask everyone who wants to participate to identify themselves. If you're new to the neighbourhood and haven't participated before, this is a fun event.
Everyone is encouraged to set-up their garage sale in their driveway. The community will do social media and event advertising. We'll have balloons to identify who is participating. We'll post signage around Don Mills to help drive traffic. Some of the neighbours use this as a fundraiser (and there are many worthy causes to support).
3. Flag Days - June 24 to July 1
Flags from around the world in our little 'hood. Everyone is encouraged to get a Canadian flag and a flag from their country of origin. For example, my family background is Irish, and Joe’s background is Italian, so we have three flags displayed (and Indigenous flag and Pride flag - everyone is included). On July 1st – Canada Day – we’ll remove the Italian and Irish flags and just keep up the Canadian flag.
The idea is to celebrate just how multi-ethnic our neighbourhood is. I’m pretty sure that we span the globe and will have representation from almost every country.
4. End of Summer Pot Luck Picnic - Sept 11
The picnic is open to everyone. It's potluck so bring a dish to share. This will be our first public gathering since Covid. We will maintain protocols. If you are uncomfortable with communal eating, please bring a picnic lunch for your family along with a blanket.
If you have not heard about our picnics before, please come out and meet your neighbours. It's such a fun atmosphere. People have been anxiously awaiting this event. Clouds or sun, we will go ahead. It will only be cancelled if really bad weather is predicted.
Just a friendly reminder that this is not a home owners association. People are welcome and free to do things like garage sales anytime they want and however they like (in garage, in driveway etc). . Just making sure there is no confusion And no one is discouraged about missing a “set” date etc. Thanks for sharing.
So excited for all of these activities!
Any chance we can move the spring cleanup from the 22nd to a weekend so the kids can join and help.