Part of our little community since 2013, moving into the neighbourhood represented a continuation of a love story that started almost two decades before. Zahra recounts their first meeting as if it was yesterday. “I was on my first overnight ski trip at 14,” recalls Zahra. “We’d only just arrived at the resort. I was checking into the lodge when I looked over and my eyes met those of this handsome (much older – he was 16) boy across the lobby.”
“I remember my heart seemed to stop in my chest. I stared but couldn’t speak”.
“We would run into each other over the years. I stayed crazy about him, but the timing was never right. It wasn’t until 13 years later that we reconnected. We went on our first date on July 16th and have been inseparable ever since. Six years after our first date, our son – Aiden – was born on that very date; July 16th."
Aiden, who will be eight in the summer, has a sister Alyssa who just turned five. They both attend Bayview Glen. Both children love to skate, swim and play soccer. Alyssa enjoys gymnastics while Aiden plays ice hockey, taking after his father. The children managed to convince their parents to add another member to their family when Covid began last year. The family welcomed Bunny Chase to their home and the furry creature has hopped away with their hearts.
They both have active careers. Zahra recently started a new job at Janssen (Johnson & Johnson) just next door to us on Green Belt as a Customer Experience Manager. Prior to that she was at GSK in Mississauga which amounted to a two hour commute each day. She works in marketing so it’s a pretty intense role. Aleem is with TD as VP, Estate Planning so when they were looking for their first home, they had some fairly specific location requirements. It had to be located so that Aleem could head downtown and near the freeway for Zahra to head to Mississauga. It also needed to be close to both sets of parents so that their future children could get quality time with their grandparents.
“We looked for a home for over a year. We were renting a condo on Wynford and loved the area. We didn’t want to stray too far from where we were. I was pregnant with Aiden when we discovered this neighbourhood. When we first saw our house, it didn’t look like exactly what we were looking for, but we knew we could make it ours,” said Zahra. “As soon as the ink dried on the deed we started renovations. Unfortunately, there were a couple of setbacks (as there are with any reno), so instead of moving in before the baby came, we were unpacking with a newborn.”
“It’s been almost 8 years now. The neighbourhood is such a community. It’s a place where you know your neighbours, and everyone is willing to help out at a moment’s notice. We are forever passing food across the fence or walking down the street to exchange treats. The kids have so many friends here and there is always someone up for a date at the park or a walk. There’s just a warm and cozy sense.”
“We love to walk as a family in the valley. When we get to a tunnel; the rainbow bridge is our favorite, we race the kids. To this end, Covid has actually been a bit of a blessing for us. As your typical family, we used to be running around constantly. Both of us have busy careers with commute times, the children were enrolled in all sorts of programs, we were constantly on the move. Covid has forced us to slow down and really refocus as a family. It even gave Aleem and I alone time together which had been in limited supply before. It will make us think twice before we over-commit again.”
“We feel blessed to have moved into this neighbourhood and to have formed such amazing friendships and bonds. In a way, Covid has brought this community even closer together.”