We live in a dog friendly neighbourhood. I don’t have statistics, but I think we may have one of the highest dog to home ratios. Along with cuddles and happy barks, there are responsibilities.

Not cleaning up after your dog is a problem. This is an ongoing challenge that we need to address.

Not keeping your dog leashed at all times is also a problem. This one will have more immediate consequences. I have been told that the City has been called with reports of dogs off leash in the neighbourhood and/or aggressive dogs. The City is responding by providing City of Toronto Bylaw Officers will be patrolling our area looking for dogs off leash, especially in our park. There are very specific fines if you and your dog are caught without leashing.
These are the bylaws as listed by the City of Toronto:
Leash Up Your Pup
Keep your dog on a leash while in public unless you are in an official dogs off-leash area. The leash should be no more than two metres long and be securely attached to a collar or harness. Leashing your dog to a pole or bike rack is not allowed. Owners of dogs who are off-leash can be fined $365.
Stoop and Scoop
Bag and dispose of dog waste in green bins or garbage bins. You must immediately pick up dog waste in parks and public spaces. Dog owners have up to 24 hours to remove dog waste from their own property.
License Your Dog
All dogs owned in Toronto need to be licensed and wear a tag. Pet licences can be purchased and renewed online, by phone and by mail.
Be Mindful of Neighbours
Excessive barking can disturb and upset your neighbours. Use training or control techniques to prevent your dog from barking too much.
If you have a problem with a noisy animal in your neighbourhood, consider speaking with the owner first. If this approach does not work, connect with 311.
i think you hit the nail on the head with barking. There are several dogs who bark constantly. In one case the owners stands and chats while the dog barks and doesn’t stop it. That’s dog Is featured in your blog so I hope they read this. There is also a hound dog that barks for 10 mins straight - very loud- with little attempt to stop them. And a person on green belt who sets their dog out in backyard to go off for hours. While attempting to speak to owner is one option. Strongly encourage others to take your advice and call 311. Owners MUST be aware of the bark noise but overlook it since it’s there own…